Monday, December 21, 2009

Here it is.....

I am positive that there are thousands of people aspiring to begin their personal blogs every day. I am also positive that a few hundred of them even reach as far as creating blogging profiles for them. And then ensues a rather blank time window which more often than not consists of staring at a crisp, fresh new post window, wondering what to write about. Yes, this obvious thought is a direct output of the very same blank time window. But I am determined enough to push my way past the virgin blankness, and create resplendent imagery, log delectable memories, and share them both with my fellow star gazers!!

So here it is.....

1 comment:

  1. Anysia, Thanks so much for coming to visit GrannyMountain and do you are my 100th blogger! I never thought in a million years I'd reach that number! I've been blogging since last February and get so much from posting. It's theraputic for me to write down memories and just plain old observations. I look forward to reading your blog! Come visit often...
    joy c. at grannymountain
